Sunday, April 24, 2005

Girly Wonderings on Love and Broken Hearts

The girl in me is showing today, maybe because I spent so much time doing girly wedding things the last few days.

Someone recently asked me if I was over my last boyfriend, after just a little thought I answered yes, I was definitely over him. However, I knew that I was still hurt and confused concerning the whole situation. That's not important though. The whole thing got me thinking about falling in love and having a broken heart. I wouldn't say that I was in love with that guy, I don't think I had time to fall in love. But I'd quite confidently say that he broke my heart.

Here's what I'm wondering, is it really possible to have a broken heart if you haven't been in love? Tell me what you think...


Anonymous Anonymous said...


On a broken heart..When you enter a relationship with a memeber of the oposite sex, you are giving them a piece of you, your heart...And you have an emotional attachment to them...otherwise you shouldn't or wouldn't be dating, if this person suddenly breaks up with you..they essentially "rip away" that little piece of your heart. So I can see how you would be hurt. THe best remedy for this, is to talk to that person, and let them know how you feel, and also PRAY about it. God has a plan for everyones life, and we have to trust Him that things happen for a reason. One should also pray for the parties involved, and for peace in your soul.

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can certainly have a broken heart even if you were not in love. Anyone you care about can break your heart, a boyfriend, a friend, a family member, a mentor. A broken heart is the result of being mis-treated, or mis-understood, or mis-led, or to put it simply, hurt by somone you trust. There is no easy fix. But to echo Clayton's statement the best thing you can do is "trust Him that things happen for a reason". I also would recommend trying not to become fixated on the questions you may never know the answears to. Usually WHY?? it will only drive you crazy! If they haven't become clear yet most likely they never will. The sooner you can realize and accept that the sooner you can start to heal.

7:15 PM  
Blogger Jo said...

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2:34 PM  
Blogger Mommy of Four said...

Totally possible. I dated a Bethany guy once ( I think you know who I'm talking about) friend I had there...I traded our friendship for a romantic one, and when we ended our romance, I was left without my best friend...and with a broken heart.

PS Who was your last bf?

1:52 PM  
Blogger Sarah Gomez said...

My question is a little different... can you have a honestly broken heart when YOU break up with a guy?

I had a b-friend in high school, and it hurt SOO much when we broke up. And the thing was I did it... both times. Looking back, I do truly believe I was in love though. After reading the Five Love Languages, I can see that he spoke my language. He and I gelled and all was good in the world.. except that we were not of one faith. And obviously... that couldn't work out. I refuse to go to one church while my husband goes to the one up the street!

The hardest part for me is that people tell me all the time "He's the perfect boy. What were you thinking?" And sometimes... I wonder...

I just continue to believe that God knows the plan he has in mind for me..

7:37 PM  

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